Lia Agustina, Puji Lestari


Abstract. Babalu is an art that still active, as the entertainment media and communication media in the center of modernization current. Babalu Art had a history as the strategy to trick the colonizer, in times of war before Indonesia was independent, by being danced by the dancers which dressed up as the soldiers. Babalu Art has important role in foster a sense of nationalism for society, who lack of knowledgeof their own culture, do not like traditional art, follow western style and left the local culture such as traditional art. Babalu Art has symbolic meaning and nationalism value that exist in every move, accompaniment,, and also history of the existing of Babalu Art. Purposes of the research (1) To describe the nationalism value in Babalu Art in Batang District, (2) To describe the preservation of nationalism value in Babalu Art in, Batang District. This research using qualitative methode. Research data sources are primary data in the form of interview and observation, while the secondary data in the form of documentation. Interview data obtained by some informant that are: (1) Head of Village of Batang District, (2) Chairman of the Studio of Putra Budaya Batang,(3) Players of Babalu Art, (4) Citizens of Batang District. Data collecting methode including interview, observation and documentation. Testing technique in determination of data validity is triangulation of sources. Data are analyzed by data collecting stages, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The result of this research shows (1) Nationalism value in Babalu art is an embodiment society love of homeland, who have sacrificed body and soul, to mantain Batang area from colonizer power. Strategy that used by the soldier by dancing, that contain secret codes as the stratagem to defeat the colonizer. (2) Preservation of nationalism value in Babalu Art are done by the Government and Studio of Sanggar Putra and also the involvement of society so the value that exists in Babalu Art can be maintained and does not drown by the other influences. The preservation of nationalism value are done by various activities that aims to introduce to society that Babalu Art is a traditional art that has the history of society struggle in defeating colonizer.

Keywords: Nationalism, Value, Babalu Art

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