Farah Fardani Azzukhruf, Machmud Al-Rasyid, Muh. Hendri Nuryadi


This study aims to find out: 1) There are differences in perceptions between teachers, normative studies, and the military on the teaching materials for "bela negara" for class X 2) the implications of the differences in teaching materials for "bela negara" on the level of nationalism of students. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive qualitative approach. Collecting data using interviews with 3 (three) groups of informants, namely PPKn teachers, students and members of the TNI. In addition, it also uses document studies in the form of normative provisions, lesson plans for class X KD 3.2 and PPKn textbooks. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. Testing the validity of the data using data triangulation and method triangulation. Data analysis used an interactive analysis model. The conclusions of the research are: 1) The teaching materials for "bela negara" class X have different perceptions between teachers, normative provisions, and the military. The PPKn teacher's perception of "bela negara" teaching materials is the teaching material in KD 3.2 in the textbook, which in the KD reads to examine the provisions of the 1945 Constitution concerning the territory of the state, citizens and residents, religion and beliefs as well as defense and security. However, in the learning process the teacher conveys the material "bela negara", this is certainly not in accordance with the sound of KD 3.2. While the normative provisions, namely in Article 9 paragraph (2) of Law no. 3 of 2002 concerning the Implementation of National Defense, explains that citizenship education (pkn) is a form of citizen participation in efforts to defend the country. Then for the perception of the military they are more likely to practice in an effort to defend the country which has been equipped with knowledge and armed forces to maintain the defense and security of the Indonesian state. 2) The implications of the difference in "bela negara" teaching materials to the level of nationalism of students, namely the existence of several facts regarding the attitude of nationalism of students in schools which is manifested by carrying out congregational prayers, regular studies together, participating in the election of the student council chairman, obeying the rules and regulations. etc. Although it can be said that nationalism is formed, this is not due to the "bela negara" teaching materials but rather the existence of rules in schools or dormitories and maybe there are other factors that are not yet known by researchers.  Keywords: Teaching Materials, “Bela Negara”, Nationalism 

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