Zainudin Bakar, Ahmad Nasir Ari Bowo, Heri Kurnia


Abstract. The research is on the background by implementing the 2013 curriculum implementation. The purpose of this research is: (1) to know how to implement the 2013 curriculum. (2) to find out what obstacles are faced by the teacher of PPKn Study, and (3) to find out what are the solutions that are done by the school and teachers in overcoming the barriers to implementation of 2013 curriculum. The focus of this research is "curriculum implementation of 2013 educational subjects Pancasila and citizenship in the state Junior high School, Muriabang Kab. Alor ". This research uses the type of qualitative research by taking the setting of Pancasila education teacher and Citizenship class VII and VIII. Data collection techniques are done through. (1) Observation (observation), (2) interviews, and (3) documentation. Further analysis of the data is done by: (1) analysis during data collection is inductive using descriptive analysis, (2) data validity technique using data source triangulation. The results showed that: (1) The implementation of the 2013 curriculum was obtained that in general it has been done well from the preparation stage until the evaluation stage, (2) The barriers faced by the teacher are the need for adaptation between teachers and students in the learning process, the need to add more in- depth training related to technical implementation, and not yet the availability of teacher and student Handbook, and (3) The solution is done by the school and teachers in overcoming the barriers to implementing the 2013 curriculum is to move the teachers to participate in the workshops. Researcher's advice is to have deeper training on PPKn teachers in applying learning with a scientific approach, more attention to learners in learning, and the innovation and creativity of teachers in using existing learning resources to support learning.
Keywords: Curriculum implementation, 2013. Junior High School.

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